IRD Duhallow cordially invites you to attend the International EU LIFE conference celebrating hands on community participation in nature conservation, on the 21st and 22nd of May 2015. The conference marks the end of the current LIFE project and the commencement of a new RaptorLIFE project. There will be a wide range of interesting speakers including experts from Ireland, the UK, Belgium and Slovenia. The event is free but prior booking is essential.
In 2010, in partnership with Inland Fisheries Ireland, IRD Duhallow was awarded funding from the EU LIFE+ Programme targeting the Upper Blackwater. The project aims to restore and improve the conservation status of populations of Freshwater Pearl Mussel, Atlantic Salmon, Otter (Annex II species EU Habitats Directive), Kingfisher (Annex I species EU Birds Directive) and a sub-species of Irish Dipper endemic to Ireland. This objective is being met through a series of actions aimed at restoring the quality of the river bed and riparian zone. The majority of the on the ground works, project innovations and demonstrations of best practice are being aimed at the River Allow catchment area. Other measures were carried out throughout Duhallow, especially in the context of raising public awareness. A detailed overview of these actions will be provided on Thursday 21st of May 2015.
The RaptorLIFE project will be launched on Friday 22nd of May 2015. RaptorLIFE aims to connect and restore habitats for Hen Harrier, Merlin, Atlantic Salmon and Brook Lamprey in Duhallow. The key overarching objective of this project is to bring together communities living in Duhallow and wildlife experts to address a range of conservation issues affecting these species in Duhallow. The project aims to change public attitudes, address public perceptions, directly involve landowners in conservation measures, monitoring of birds, running education workshops and the implementation of a broad range of concrete actions on the ground.
Click this link for the Conference Programme
To register for the Conference please click HERE
A travel guide to the conference venue can now be downloaded
These LIFE projects are being supported through the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community.
For further details contact or tel: 029-60633. More information is available on
IRD Duhallow Ltd. is a rural development company based in Newmarket, Co. Cork. Established in 1989, to promote the tourism potential of the rivers in Duhallow, the company administers a range of EU and National programmes, including voluntary services.